

Multiplier Training Master Trainer Pedagogy Program Portfolio

All participants assigned to conduct multiplier training and implementation of pedagogical skills gained from the training to the learning process at their respective schools.
As the accountability for the given task, along with the implementation of evidence documents related activities included as evidence. Relate to the entire evidence of activity in the multiplier training and implementation of learning packaged as the list below. All these documents have been sent to the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia with a copy to the head of ITE Singapore as report.

  1. Multiplier 1 Training Proposal 2013
  2. Multiplier 1 MONE Complete Report Documents
  3. Multiplier 1 Attandance Record 2013
  4. Multiplier 1 Activity Photo
  5. Multiplier 1 Online Screen Shoot Activity 2013
  6. Multiplier 1 XMIND TA Practice
  7. Multiplier 1 Learning Material IND Ver
  8. All copy of original material have shared as refference
  9. Multiplier 2 Training Proposal 2013
  10. Multiplier 2 MONE Complete Report Documents
  11. Multiplier 2 Attandance Record 2013
  12. Multiplier 2 Activity Photo
  13. Multiplier 2 Online Screen Shoot Activity 2013
  14. Multiplier 2 XMIND TA Practice
  15. Multiplier 2 Learning Material IND Ver

Implementation of Master Trainer Pedagogy Program in Real Environment

Applying MTPP Skill in the Training of Implementation Indonesia 2013 Curriculum in “SMK SWADAYA” Banjarmasin, Indonesia.

In order to supporting implementation of 2013 Curricullum in Indonesia each of teacher would have to change their mindset about teaching and learning rather than before.
In accordance with the Competency Standards and Content Standards the learning principles are used:

  1. Changing of the students were told a student to figure out; 
  2. Changed from the teacher as the sole source of learning into a variety of learning-based learning resources; 
  3. Changed from textual approach into the process as strengthening the use of a scientific approach; 
  4. Changed from content-based learning into a competency-based learning; 
  5. Changed from partial learning becomes integrated learning; 
  6. Changes of learning that emphasizes a single answer be learning with multi-dimensional answer to the truth; 
  7. Changed from verbal learning into applicable skills; 
  8. Changed towards an increased and a balance between the physical skills (hardskills) and mental skills (soft skills); 
  9. Turned into learning that promotes cultivation and empowerment of students as lifelong learners; 
  10. Turned into learning to apply the values ​​to provide exemplary (ing ngarso sung tulodo), willingness to build (ing madyo Karso Mangun), and develop the creativity of students in the learning process (tut wuri handayani); 
  11. Turned into learning takes place at home, at school, and in society; 
  12. Changed menjadipembelajaran which apply the principle that anyone who is a teacher, who is a student, and in which alone is class. 
  13. Utilization of information and communication technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning; and 
  14. Recognition of individual differences and cultural backgrounds of students.

According to the 14 basics of change of education should be introduce, the training conducted by implementing the essential of 2013 curriculum as mention above. Beside that the training also promoting design of student centred learning activities, classroom management, cooperative learning, Design and Develop Competence-based Instructional Plan.

Here are the photos of activity ….

Applying MTPP Skill in the Workshop of Implementation Indonesia 2013 Curriculum in “SMK MUHAMMADIYAH 2” Banjarmasin, Indonesia.

Workshop of Implementation Indonesia 2013 Curriculum in “SMK MUHAMMADIYAH 2” Banjarmasin, Indonesia conduct in 2 (two) days as own school programmed.

Workshop of Implementation Indonesia 2013 Curriculum in “SMK MUHAMMADIYAH 2” Banjarmasin, Indonesia conducted in 2 (two) days according to the plan have programmed by school .
Matter covered in this workshop are essential core of 2013 curriculum, student centred learning, cooperative learning and formative assessment.

Here are the photos of the workshop activity …..